Top 3 reasons to play paintball for Spring Break

APC-Spring-Break-Laser-Tag-SpecialThe sun is out and birds are chirping which means it is time to say hello to spring break! If you are a student that wants to do something awesome or a parent that needs to get the kids out of the house, American Paintball Coliseum is the place to go. We are open every day, seven days a week, for all players who want to get some shooting time in with their friends playing paintball, airsoft, laser tag or virtual reality. Parents, just drop them off or work from our lounge to keep the kids occupied and engaged for hours!

In the spirit of spring break, we have put together the top 3 reasons why playing paintball for spring break is the best thing you can do with your friends this year. It is time to get the crew together and make memories that will last a lifetime!

Click to Get a Spring Break Specials

(Spring break promotions start Monday, March 19th)


Need Spring Break Ideas For the Kids? American Paintball Coliseum Has You Covered.

It’s a Fun & Adrenaline Packed Adventure

Nothing beats the fun memories you make out on the paintball field with your friends! Every game you play is different and unique meaning that you and your team have to work together to win! Duck and dodge behind boats, planes, cars, walls, and even more on our fields. Your adrenaline is pumping the whole time and what happens on the field makes great conversation off the field! Whether it’s the countdown to start or the last player getting shot, each game is packed with intense moments that make it an adventure.


Competitive Outlet

You may not be the best online – but you can be the best out of your friends. Put your skills to the test to see who is really the top shot when getting behind the trigger.
From recreational games to tournament paintball each game gives you an opportunity to push yourself to win and get better. You may end up wanting to start your own team with a group of friends!

Trying Something New

If you’ve never played paintball before now’s the time to try! Paintball is a fun, team driven sport that can be played by almost all ages and to be honest, doesn’t hurt as bad as some make it out. In fact, most people that try paintball have an overwhelmingly positive experience and some continue to play time and time again. The paintball community is kind and filled with warm-hearted people that are looking for you to join them on the field!

Click to Get a Spring Break Specials

(Spring break promotions start Monday, March 19th)

Spring break is time for fun, adventure, and enjoying the outdoors after a cold winter. American Paintball Coliseum is the best place to play indoors and outdoor (CO outdoors only) because we care about making sure that everyone has a great time and our fields are exciting and unique. We have all the rental equipment at our facilities so all you need to do is tell your friends about coming out to play and to set up a reservation! Playing paintball is hands down the must-try activity for spring break. See you on the field!

For more information about coming out to play paintball on your fields, you are always welcome to call the nearest location you or make by making a reservation for your group here.

Click for Denver Reservations

Click for Phoenix Reservations

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Open 7 Days a Week

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